山上渡 個展 TOKYO MAZE「N/KOSMOS-コスモス」

会期:4/4(木)-4/14(日) 休廊日:4/8(月)

時間:13:00-19:00 (最終日17時まで)


RECEPTION & EARTH + GALLERY12周年記念パーティ:4/4(木) 19:00 - 22:00  

20:00-20:45 トークセッション「東京のエロス」





山上渡(やまかみわたる)は、「増殖と変容」そこから生まれる結びつきをテーマとし、マクロやミクロといった可視化できない領域に私たちの日常を関連させることで、新たな超現実世界を描きだそうと試みます。岡本太郎現代芸術賞特別賞、Tokyo Midtown Award 2013準グランプリ・オーディエンス賞受賞など数々の賞を受賞し国内外で活躍する山上は、昨年より舞台美術に挑戦。2023年8月1日~11日EARTH+GALLERYにて公演された小池博史演出の「WE-入口と世界の出口」の舞台美術を担当し、山上渡の舞台美術は「火の鳥プロジェクト」として2025年まで続き、小池博史演出の舞台と並走することになります。

2024年3月21日から24日の間、東京芸術劇場シアターイーストにて上演された演出家小池博史とグロトフスキ研究所との国際共同制作舞台「N/ KOSMOS-コスモス」にて山上渡が手掛けた美術作品を展示いたします。EARTH+GALLERYが位置する東京・木場の材木商社である長谷川萬治商店より舞台となる木材を提供いただき、その木材に東京の地図・曼荼羅を描いた。





In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.
〜Carl Jung カール・ユング〜





会期:4/4(木)-4/14(日) 休廊日:4/8(月)

時間:13:00-19:00 (最終日17時まで)


RECEPTION:4/4(木) 19:00 - 22:00

20:00-20:45 トークセッション「東京のエロス」




EARTH+GALLERY is pleased to announce Wataru Yamakami's solo exhibition from April 4 to 14.

Wataru Yamakami's theme is "proliferation and transformation," and he attempts to depict a new surreal world by relating our daily lives to the invisible realms of the macro and micro. Yamakami, who has received numerous awards both in Japan and abroad, including the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art Special Prize and the Tokyo Midtown Award 2013 Runner-up Grand Prix and Audience Award, began his stage design challenge last year with "WE-" directed by Hiroshi Koike and performed at EARTH+GALLERY from August 1 to 11, 2023. Wataru Yamakami's stage design for "Entrance and World Exit," directed by Hiroshi Koike, will continue until 2025 as "Firebird Project" and will run parallel to the stage directed by Hiroshi Koike.

The exhibition will feature artwork by Wataru Yamakami for the international co-production "N/ KOSMOS" with director Hiroshi Koike and the Grotowski Institute, which was staged at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space, Theater East from March 21 to 24, 2024. The lumber for the stage was provided by Manji Hasegawa, a lumber trading company in Kiba, Tokyo, where EARTH+GALLERY is located, and a map and mandala of Tokyo were drawn on the lumber.

The lines were drawn using "charcoal from clothing waste," which was created by carbonizing and pulverizing clothing that had been incinerated and discarded by people using the proprietary technology of ZE Energy, an EARTH+GALLERY affiliate.

N/KOSMOS-Kosmos" is Koike's bold adaptation of "Cosmos," the last novel written by Gombrowicz, an exiled writer of strange stories set in Zakopane, Poland.

Wataru Yamagami was to depict the cosmos = order that spreads out at the feet of the performers on this stage. It may be said to have emerged through a kind of inevitability and a strange accumulation of coincidences.

A map of Tokyo, slime, minerals, a hanged cat, a sparrow's beak, arrows, skeletons, etc., etc,
The mandala, in which story and reality crossover and the boundary is blurred, has appeared in this world as an existence that has both chaos and order, albeit grimly.

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.
In all chaos there is a harmony, in all disorder a secret order.
~Carl Jung Carl Jung

These words of Jung, which Koike tries to convey over and over again, are contained in this story and in the way the universe is.
And in Yamakami Wataru himself.

And this board painting becomes a device to move back and forth between chaos and order.



Dates: 4/4 (Thu) - 4/14 (Sun) Gallery closed: 4/8 (Mon)

Hours: 13:00-19:00 (last day until 17:00)


RECEPTION: 4/4(Thu) 19:00 - 22:00

20:00-20:45 Talk session "Eros in Tokyo

Hiroshi Koike (scenographer) x Makoto Aida (artist) x Wataru Yamagami (artist)

*To participate in this invitation-only event, please contact info@earth-plus.com