柴田健治個展 Your Mind Weather

会期:2024年6月1日(土) - 6月16(日)

時間:12:00 – 18:00




Your Mind Weather 柴田健治の絵画をめぐって

日時:6月1日(土) 16:30 – 17:30



この度、EARTH + GALLERYでは、柴田健治の個展を開催します。

柴田は、これまでにカスヤの森現代美術館などでの個展のほか、東京都現代美術館のMOTアニュアル「フィクション?絵画がひらく世界」展(2002年)や「十和田奥入瀬芸術祭 SURVIVE この惑星の、時間旅行へ」(2013年)などのグループ展に参加し、油彩画を発表してきました。






  • 薄い皮膜のような油絵具の層とは思えないほど、奥行きが感じられる絵画。
  • 鏡のように見る人の姿が映し出され、また刻々と色味が変化する絵画。
  • 柴田健治と小澤慶介(企画者)による対談も開催。



会期:2024年6月1日(土) - 6月16(日)

時間:12:00 – 18:00






Your Mind Weather 柴田健治の絵画をめぐって

日時:6月1日(土) 16:30 – 17:30



柴田健治 Kenji Shibata

1971年、新潟県生まれ。1996年に東京芸術大学美術学部油画科を卒業後、1998年に東京芸術大学大学院美術研究科油画専攻を修了。これまでに、カスヤの森現代美術館やタグチファインアート、アルマスギャラリー等で個展を行うほか、「MOTアニュアル フィクション?絵画がひらく世界」展(東京都現代美術館、2002年)や「十和田奥入瀬芸術祭 SURVIVE この惑星の時間旅行へ」(十和田市現代美術館、2013年)などのグループ展に参加している。



小澤慶介(企画) Keisuke Ozawa




EARTH + GALLERY is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Kenji Shibata.

Shibata has had solo exhibitions at the Kasuya no Mori Museum of Contemporary Art and others, as well as at the MOT Annual “Fiction? (2002) and “Towada Oirase Art Festival SURVIVE: To This Planet, Time Travel” (2013).

Shibata's paintings are characterized by two main features. One is that the oil paint layered on the surface of the wooden panel creates a deep depth as if in inverse proportion to the apparent material flatness of the surface. Another is that Shibata's paintings make us believe that the concept of a positive image is not possible. This is because the very thin film of oil acts like a mirror, reflecting the viewer's image and constantly changing its color depending on the way the sun hits it. It is as if the oil painting reflects the viewer's ever-changing feelings and the day's weather at the same time.

Oil painting is a technique created to emphasize the materiality of the painted object and ensure its eternity, but Shibata seems to be testing the possibilities of oil painting from the opposite direction. In other words, everything is constantly changing in the circulation of the environment. When we actively capture and experience these indefinite images, we may take a new step forward from the paintings and the times that produced them.

We invite you to experience Shibata's paintings, which paradoxically inform us that nothing is set in stone, and that everything is in a state of flux.



  • The paintings have such a depth that it is hard to believe that they are made of thin layers of oil paint.
  • The paintings reflect the viewer's image like a mirror, and the colors change from moment to moment.
  • A discussion between Kenji Shibata and Keisuke Ozawa (organizer) will also be held.


Outline of the exhibition

Dates: June 1 (Sat) - June 16 (Sun), 2024

Hours: 12:00 - 18:00

Closed: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Admission: Free



<Gallery Talk>

Your Mind Weather: On the Paintings of Kenji Shibata

Date: June 1 (Sat) 16:30 - 17:30

Speaker: Kenji Shibata, Keisuke Ozawa